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Find your dream job - graphic design

In this second part of the series "Find your dream job", I'm speaking to Graphic Designer Liz Bowen. Liz joined Bright HR last year. The job initially required 2 - 3 years experience, but after reading Liz's website and seeing all the amazing work she has done, I knew she had 'it' - that magical mix that we look for at Bright HR. Here, she tells us about her journey getting in to the industry, and advice for people wanting to be Graphic Designers.

Hi Liz! Thanks for agreeing to do this interview. So, you’re a graphic designer at Bright HR. Can you tell us what that means?

This means I get to doodle and design cool, fun colourful stuff day in and out.

What does a typical day look like for you?

The great thing about working at BrightHR is that theres no such thing as a typical day. I’m constantly working on something different, some of the projects are weightier something to really sink your teeth into, other days the tasks I’m given are smaller which means I can fit several into a day.

What’s your favourite part of the job?

Working with creative people who have been in the industry for a longer amount of time than myself. I’m forever learning things from them that betters my own practice whilst also being able to bring my own skills and ideas to the table.

My favourite part of the work however is moodling! Coming from an illustration background this is right up my street! I’m quickly filling my cloud storage with millions of moodles! OOPS!

How did you get the job?

I honestly have no idea! In honesty I was coming to the interview thinking I was a wild card - straight out of uni, not a lot of experience. One of my questions I intended to ask at the interview was “What kind of things should I put into my portfolio in order to make me more employable”. I didn’t actually need the question in the end!

What did you do before this?

Before starting my position at BrightHR I was in Liverpool John Moores studying Graphic Design and Illustration and spent my summer working in a small design agency in the London area. So this is my first job in design! TERRIFYING!

When did you decide you wanted to be a Designer?

I’ve always been arty, the majority of my christmases as a kid were spent opening packs of pencils and sketchbooks. I think once I got over the fact I wasn’t tall enough to be a Disney Princess, design was my main interest. I was stuck between Architecture and Graphic Design - must admit best decision I’ve ever made I absolutely loved uni and I’m super excited about this being my first job! What’s your favourite project you’ve worked on?

I enjoy all of them - but I did a really quick comic strip as a handout for the CIPD launch, that was super fun because it was all illustrated.

Did you go to University, and if so, how much of an impact did that have on your success?

I just graduated in June, University was awesome, John Moores had the best studio space and print rooms I’ve ever seen - I spent all day, everyday there - not ashamed to say I made the most of the experience and drained my tutors for all the information they would give me… definitely got my moneys worth. I was gutted leaving as so many said that University is the most creative time of your life, I’ve been really lucky as mines still going!

What are your plans for the future?

Scary question and one I never know how to answer! A couple years down the line I’d like to be working in a creative agency doing a number of different projects. I’d like to continue my freelance fashion illustrations things have slowed on that front since starting here but I intend to get back into it! Eventually in the distant future I’d love to do a Masters and head back to lecture at a university, but thats not until I know the industry much more!

What are your tips for other budding graphic designers?

Take risks, work hard and be ambitious. This position requested 2-3 years experience in industry but with a strong portfolio, a well designed CV, and a box full of ideas I managed to get a foot in the door, where I was able to show them I would be a good fit with their team. And keep going! I had a lot of knock backs but evidently they weren’t meant to be!

If you want to keep up to date on all Liz's beautiful projects, make sure you check out her website and follow her on twitter.

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